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It would be an understatement to review Organic Head Spa Salon as amazing or incredible. It is indeed amazing and incredible but it is above and beyond that. Organic head spa and salon is absolutely flawless. The salon, the staff, the services and the products are exquisite. The experience they provide is one of LA’s rare and precious gems. It is truly the best hair care in all of Los Angeles. The Salon’s approach is more homeopathic and less chemical. They care about the nature of science and about the unique nature of every client’s hair. I’ve never seen a team of hair stylists who care for and treat their client’s as well as each other with such an acute and gracious affection. You will be loved and taken care of, I promise you. But just as importantly, the results of your experience and the skilled staff’s talent and ability to provide client with their exact wants and needs is remarkable. I’ve seen the results of their work many times and not only are they beautiful but sometimes they are even miraculous. The spa itself is chic, private, friendly, professional and accommodating. Stylists often stay after hours or come in early for clients. Their vast areas of expertise assure that no matter what you need done, they can and will do it, to perfection. The salon’s premiere and paramount distinction comes from the practice and use of truly organic products and style treatments, that produce better results than those achieved with harsh chemicals and damaging long term results. I know many other products and services boast all natural this or that, but I assure you, there is nothing in LA like this. All of their products are 100% organic - and I mean THE REAL DEAL. You won’t find the products they use in any other store or salon and I would challenge one to try and find an ingredient on a bottle of any product in there that you can not pronounce or are not sure of what nature it’s derived from. This organic chemistry approach to treating all kinds of hair and providing every kind of hair care, treatment, style, color, cut and so on is unparalleled. The results are perfection. The salons vast selection and staff are experts. And they provide an amazing experience- whether it’s a quick trim to a keratin treatment to extensions - the experience is incredible. This place is particularly special to me and my heart. It saved my hair and my honestly my self confidence and life. I almost don’t want to share how wonderful this place is because it’s so incredibly special to me and feels like its my secret weapon. But to not tell people, would be a disservice to the staff that has become like family and to everyone else out there who deserves the Organic Head Spa experience.

Sayaka, one of the head stylists and the leading expert in the treatment of the head spa is a master and her talent is unlike anything hair care, hair loss, regrowth and overall growth of the strongest best hair you have, is unlike our world (as I know) as ever seen. She is some kind of divine being. This woman has not only become my savior, she’s become my friend and this spa my family.

Here is my personal story: I first started coming to the salon almost exactly a year ago. I had just survived a trauma in my life that when I finally had the energy to really look at and address had taken horrifying effects on my hair. I have always (I am a 31 year old female who has always had full, long hair. I have never wanted my hair short and prefer long. Thus it has always been. Until about 2015. While enduring the traumatic events that would consume my life until 2017 I began to lose my hair. Slowly at first, chunks in the shower, clogged drains and then eventually in November of 2016 (it had been over two years since I had my hair cut) I sat outside my house (with my hair sitting at shoulder length as it had been now for sometime and I finally admitted, I am losing my hair. It won’t grow and it’s falling out. The pictures I took of the damage and bald spots I discovered once I just decided to really look were horrifying. I went to dermatologists, my doctors, and they offered some natural remedies (not sure they would work) but told me that I was losing my hair from trauma and aside from getting away from what was causing the trauma, my hair may not grow back the same ... ever. I could try shaving it all off offered one doctor But finally I was told that rogaine was the only real fix for this. I was devastated. Being an otherwise healthy 30 year old woman who has always had long natural hair, I was devastated to realize the bald spots that dotted my scalp were there to stay, the hair that had not been cut in two years was not going to all of a sudden grow and that it perhaps may be too late for me. After 35 a female woman does not produce new hair that is able to grow stronger and longer - once your follicles are dead or closed off for too long ... then it is too late. I realized that part of getting my life back, my confidence, my self esteem and ME back was to take care of this hair situation. I just didn’t know how. I spent many nights crying and opted out of many social events due to my hair or lack there or. One night after a horrible run in with a former abuser I had to pull over on to a side street to let myself calm down from sobbing so hard. And believe it or not, it doesn’t change what happened next, like a miracle I looked to my left and saw a sign for the organic hair spa. I thought a blow dry might make me feel better - little did I realize I was stepping into the place that held the answers I wanted and would meet my guru, my champion, my specialist, my hair care expert and my forever friend, Sayaka. From the moment I met sayaka and was introduced to the organic head spa my entire life changed. After all the Medical doctors told me I would have to go on rogaine or use other chemical treatments, it had deviated my belief that this could be fixed. However sayaka told me “I can fix this. If you trust me. I promise I can fix this.” And she did. A year later my hair (through the use of only organic products, Sayaja’s masterful work, which includes pressure points, scalp massages, pressure point work, rinses and the carful monitoring (using a special microscope on the scalp) documentation of progress, tracking and addressed certain areas where more or different kinds of concentration are needed, I can say to you today, my hair has grown back. And it’s my hair. And it’s not going to fall out or stop after I use or don’t use a certain product. It’s my hair. Cared for from the scalp, to the stressed and tight closed off ended follicles, to their opening up again, to their careful introduction back into a working scalp to being brought to life. The experience of my hair regrowth is almost the best part. A relaxing spa like experience. The head spa is done in the upstairs area of the salon in a private room (think high end massage / spa). Where I am able to lay back for 30 or 45 min in a quiet dark room with relaxing music playing and have my hair washed and treated. Imagine lying in a relaxing massage room where your hair and head are shampooed and massaged in total comfort, privacy and peace. It is heaven. Today is December 13th 2017 a little less than a year of treatment has given me much to show and the salon everything to boast. My hair has not only grown back but it is continuing to grow and grow stronger and healthier than ever before. Sayaka is my guardian angel and one of the most incredible humans I have ever met. She is honest and kind and knows what she is doing. I am in love with this salon, this staff, and in particular the head spa hair treatment for thinning / hair loss and with my angel, Sayaka. Honestly if you have never been here, don’t walk ... run. They are revolutionizing the industry of hair care and natural hair re-growth. And I promise you, this hair spa is making history.
— Alexis Ehrman
さやかさんのヘッドスパに巡り会うまでの私の髪は、私の年代にありがちな頭頂部心もとなく艶もコシも無いペシャンコ貧相髪でした。まず頭皮をチェックするカメラで頭皮を見ながら現在の状況の説明を受けました。そして毛根、頭皮、髪への今後のトリートメント方針をまるでお医者様のようにそれ以上にわかりやすく教えてくださいました。私の頭皮は長い間のストレスなどからくる血行不良で毛根や髪に栄養が行き渡らなかったようでした。石の様に硬い頭皮でした。(血のめぐりの悪い石頭です。笑) ヘッドスパを2度3度と回を重ねる度に頭皮が柔らかくなり髪の腰を感じられる様になったので頭皮カメラでチェックして頂くと、毛根も綺麗になってきて毛根の跡だけだったところから新たに生え始め、そして何よりゴワゴワ、パサパサの髪にツヤが出てきて気持ちが明るくなってきました。ヘッドスパの効果に驚きです。
— K.O.
Just had my first experience at BMA and wow....AMAZING!! I loveeee scalp massages and was so intrigued by the idea of a “head spa”. ITS AWESOME. it’s a little pricey but if it’s in your budget, deff try it out and you won’t be disappointed. I had Sayaka who was super knowledgeable and showed me up close pix of my scalp and hair follicles, which was crazy to see. Love this place. Super friendly staff. Already made my apt for next month!
— Jamie Woznicki
因为经常烫发染发再加上压力的缘故,发质变差,发量也变少了。在中国国内发现了一家美发沙龙提供头部美容的服务,体验了一次感觉还不错。回到洛杉矶后在网上查找提供head spa 的沙龙, 发现只有BMA 有这种服务。来过一次以后就喜欢上了这里,因为店里环境简洁时尚,使用的都是有机产品,美发师和前台都很友善。这里专业的头发美容师让我意识到打理头皮很重要,当我看了电脑扫描的头皮和头发图片我就想怎么没有早点意识到这点。持续来这里半年了,每次做完head spa之后都很放松,头发也比以前健康了。
— Amanda Xu